The girl Project

1 %
Raised: $100.00 /  Goals: $10,000.00
Campaign Duration: 137 Days Left

THE GIRL PROJECT – (Inspiring girls in the Festac Town Community)

We believe the best way to break the cycle of discrimination against young women is to equip them with the skills, opportunities and resources to become leaders. We target high school girls in Festac-Town Community who come from diverse backgrounds but share a passion for growth.

These young girls in our programs will gain skills and resources, unavailable in their schools that will enable them to access and leverage leadership positions. This new generation of qualified female leaders will work with men to transform our community unjust structures, building a culture of gender sensitivity in their schools, communities and nation.

girl-project-1-1OUR APPROACH

Our Approach is based on 4 major outlines

  • Ignite– We inspire young women and girls by sharing
    achievements of successful women around the globe
  • Equip– We organize Leadership workshop to equip girls with
    practical tools needed to become Change-Makers
  • Connect– We offer Networking opportunities for our girls to
    meet inspiring women
  • Support-We provide inspiration, ideas, mentor ship to
    encourage business Startups


Our girl skill acquisition intends to empower and encourage girls in high school majorly on male eccentric occupations and other skills.girl-in-ict
Modules will include

  • Computer Hardware Engineering
  • Mechanics Trouble-shooting
  • Photography/ Videography
  • Arts and Crafts